Sunday, September 18, 2011


Well today was not a good day food wise. I don't know what came over me, but I just did not think today while eating. I kept putting things in my mouth than 5 minutes later wondering what happened. Why did I do that? Why didn't I stop myself? I ate too much. BUT I did something I never do....I didn't just continue to eat crap, I didn't just stop caring and give up, I stopped, I reevaluated and I decided to make a change at the next meal. So for supper I had a slimfast, oranges and a cottage cheese. I changed my pace before I spiraled out of control. I caught myself. I never catch myself and start over.

I know this time will be different. I know I will have setbacks or days where I don't think about what I'm eating, but instead of giving up and just throwing in the towel and eating more crap, I will start over. I will accomplish my goals!

Just thank goodness weigh in isn't till Thursday!!! :)

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