My brother-in-law and sister-in-law have started a new blog called "
Life With You". It's a marriage blog aimed to help newer couples in any issues/questions they could have. Help encourage communication, face problems and have a better, Godly marriage. It's quite interesting so far, even though they just started it! :) But I think it's a good read and I know I need to help improve myself in order to make my marriage better.
Their post about Trust is really resonating with me. I don't trust Jordan right now. It's hard. We have special difficulties and it makes it very hard to trust him. I know I need to, I must learn to trust him, but it's especially hard.
I am hoping that by losing weight I will be a happier person because I won't be so angry with myself all the time and in turn that will make me a happier wife, mom, etc... I will keep their post in my mind each day and will probably read it multiple times!!!
So if you are looking for some encouragement in your marriage, head on over to "
Life With You" and read, comment, converse!!! :)